How can we grow in our relationships with God? First, we must BELIEVE in Christ and his work on the cross, BELONG to a local church also known as a Biblical community, have BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS to help us know what God says that informs our thoughts and our actions, and BECOME leaders  and disciple makers for Christ.

We will offer these courses (process) throughout the year, on weekends, in conference formats, through appointments with leaders, or whatever format is necessary for you to start the journey of becoming more like Christ. In this journey, you will not only be matched with a teacher, but with a mentor to show you how to live out the things that you are learning in Christ. 

Discipleship Process


In BELIEVE, we discuss what it means to BELIEVE in Christ, what the Gospel is, and how we start the basic steps of Christian growth including Bible Study, Prayer, and Memorization.


In BELONG, we discuss what it means to belong to our church, what we believe, how to become a member, what your responsibility is as church family, and the importance of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Biblical Foundations

In BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS, we discuss the Old and New Testaments, more in depth discussions on Bible Questions, theology, and church practice.


Once one has completed the other three courses, one can complete BECOME. In BECOME, this is the process for which we talk about leadership, service, and mentoring. Our end goal is not to just grow ourselves individually, but to help others to grow in Christ. We want to make disciples of Jesus who in turn make other disciples that know and love Jesus.